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The best room locations in the resort, spa discounts, concierge service, welcome gifts in your room, BBQ night, and more
Montreal departures. Flights are from Montreal via Air Transat or CanJet. Prices are per person, based on double occupancy in lead room category, including applicable taxes and fees and are valid for new individual bookings made from November 21, 2012. Space and prices are subject to availability at time of booking and subject to change without notice. If there is any difference between this flyer and the system prices, system rates apply. *Price valid for a January 18 or 25 departure at the Club Amigo Atlantico Guardalavaca Bungalow noliPLUS in Holguin. For complete details and terms and conditions refer to the Nolitours current Sun brochure. Nolitours is a division of Transat Tours Canada inc. Prices excluding $2.00/$
*Valid on Toronto departure via Air Transat or CanJet . Applicable to the Brisas Santa Lucia noliPLUS, Friday, January 4, 18, 2013, +txs/fees $280. Prices shown are per person, based on double occupancy in lead room category. Space and prices are subject to availability at time of booking and subject to change without prior notice. Taxes and fees are extra and noted above. For full descriptions and terms and conditions, refer to the Transat Holidays 2012-2013 Sun brochure. Transat Holidays is a division of Transat Tours Canada Inc.
*Valid on Saskatoon departure via Air Transat or CanJet. Applicable to the Samba Vallarta noliPLUS, Friday, January 11, 2013, +txs/fees $341. Prices shown are per person, based on double occupancy in lead room category. Space and prices are subject to availability at time of booking and subject to change without prior notice. Taxes and fees are extra and noted above. For full descriptions and terms and conditions, refer to the Transat Holidays 2012-2013 Sun brochure. Transat Holidays is a division of Transat Tours Canada Inc.,
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